How To Calculate Partial Unemployment Amounts

If you can only find part-time work or your hours and pay have been cut, you might be eligible for partial unemployment benefits. Eligibility for benefits depends on the laws in your state.

By , J.D. · University of Missouri School of Law

Unemployment benefits are intended for those who are out of work through no fault of their own. Each state has its own unemployment program, including eligibility rules and benefit amounts. Many states also offer partial unemployment benefits, which we'll discuss in this article.

What Are Partial Unemployment Benefits?

In some states partial unemployment benefits may be available for underemployed workers.

That means even if you are doing some work, you may be eligible for partial unemployment if you're earning less than you'd receive in unemployment benefits if you were fully unemployed.

Eligibility for Partial Unemployment

The eligibility rules for unemployment, including partial unemployment, are set by state law. Generally, however, you must:

  • meet your state's minimum earnings or work requirements (for more on these rules, see How Long Must I Be Employed Before Being Eligible for Unemployment?)
  • be able and available to work full time; and
  • be underemployed through no fault of your own. In other words, you won't be eligible if full-time work is available but you have chosen to work part time for personal reasons.

For more information on these rules, see Eligibility for Partial Unemployment.

How to Calculate Partial Benefits

Each state has its own formula for calculating unemployment benefits, including partial benefits. In every state, however, benefit amounts are based on prior earnings. Some states use the applicant's average earnings over a one-year period to calculate benefits; others use the applicant's average earnings in the highest paid quarter of the base period; and others use another method.

Benefits are based on some percentage of these prior earnings. For example, a state might replace half of your average weekly earnings in the base period, subject to maximum and minimum benefit amounts.

Partial benefits must also take into account what you are actually earning. Typically, states don't count all of your earnings against you. The amount that isn't counted is intended to encourage applicants to take any work that's available, even part-time work that doesn't pay that well, rather than being fully unemployed. After setting aside this amount, the unemployment agency will generally subtract the rest of your earnings from what you would have earned as an unemployment benefit if you were fully unemployed, and pay you the difference.

Example. Bob works in New Jersey. His weekly unemployment benefit if he were fully unemployed, based on his prior earnings, would be $450. He currently earns only $300 a week, because his hours were cut back. New Jersey allows him to set aside $5 or one-fifth of his weekly benefit amount, whichever is more. One-fifth of his weekly benefit amount is $90. If Bob is eligible for partial unemployment benefits, he could expect to receive a weekly check of $240: $450 minus $210.

To find out your state's rules for partial unemployment benefits, contact your state's unemployment agency.

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